枢機卿 The Cardinal
(地下闘技場 朝)
Underground Arena | Morning
コンスタンツェ: アルファルド様!よくぞ駆けつけてくださいました!
Constance: Aelfric! How serendipitous that you have come to our aid!
アルファルド: ええ、間に合ってよかった。私も皆さんの役に立てたでしょうか。
Aelfric: I am relieved that I wasn’t too late. I do hope my presence proved useful.
バルタザール: 助かったよ、アルファルドさん。情報が必要だったからな。
Balthus: No doubt about it. We needed the backup.
Choice 1: アルファルドというと…… So, you’re Aelfric…
Choice 2: 教団のお偉いさん? You’re with the church…
アルファルド: Byleth先生。こうして、君と話すのは初めてですね。
Aelfric: Professor. I do believe this is the first time our paths have crossed, is it not?
Of course, I have heard all about you from Her Grace, the archbishop.
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Aelfric. The church has granted me custodianship of Abyss.
Choice 1: アビスの管理? You look after Abyss?
アルファルド: はい。と言っても、私自身は一介の修道士にすぎませんが……。
Aelfric: Indeed. And despite my responsibilities, I am but a humble monk.
Choice 2: 初めまして Pleased to meet you.
アルファルド: ええ、よろしくお願いします。
Aelfric: The pleasure is all mine.
アルファルド: ……彼らの身の上はすでに聞いたと思います。
Aelfric: I am sure you have already been told about Abyss’s unique situation.
For varying reasons, all of the inhabitants here are unable to live a peaceful life on the surface.
People like the Dagdans and Almyrans, who suffer undue persecution across Fódlan.
The poor and the sick, who are forced into Abyss. Not to mention all the other unfortunate souls who ended up here.
I believe it is my sacred duty to provide a place for those who have nowhere else to go.
クロード: 居場所がこんな日の当たらないところで、病や貧困から抜け出せるかね……。
Claude: Right. And the poor and sick living in a sunless crypt helps them...how?
ディミトリ: やめろ、クロード。アルファルド殿、気にせずお話しください。
Dimitri: Enough, Claude. Please, forgive my friend, Aelfric. We would love to hear more.
アルファルド: 実を言えば……彼らにも、もっと良い生活を送らせてやりたいのですが。
Aelfric: In all honesty, I understand his concern. I dearly wish I could provide a better life for my flock.
But it would appear that Her Grace and most of the church consider the existence of Abyss to be… something of a nuisance.
Choice 1: 煙たがられている? A nuisance?
アルファルド: ……はい。近頃は教団の中でも、アビスの浄化を謳う者たちが増えつつあります。
Aelfric: I’m afraid so… Those within the church who would see Abyss purged are swiftly growing in number.
Choice 2: そんなことはない That can’t be true.
アルファルド: そうでしょうか……。近頃は、教団の中でもアビスの浄化を謳う者の話を耳にします。
Aelfric: No? I've heard tell of those within the church who intend to purge Abyss.
ハピ: 教団なんてそんなもんじゃん。いくら弱者の救済を掲げててもさ。
Hapi: That’s the church for you. They make a big deal out of helping the helpless...when it suits them.
バルタザール: だから、「そんなもん」で終わらせちゃいけねえんだよ。
Balthus: We can’t just sit back and accept the way things are. We gotta fight the system!
Sure, I’m here to hide from literally countless bounty hunters, but I’m not the only one in need.
You’re in a bad way too, Hapi. We can’t just let the church walk all over us.
コンスタンツェ: そうですわ! アビスの皆のためにも、私たちはアルファルド様に味方しますとも!
Constance: Too true. For the sake of all who dwell in Abyss, we must help dear Aelfric to turn the tide!
アルファルド: ……ありがとう。君たちにそう言ってもらえると、報われるような気持ちです。
Aelfric: I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Your fervent support is all the reward I could ask for.
As for you, Professor, I must beg a favor of you.
Byleth: 頼みとは? What’s the favor.
アルファルド: 灰狼の学級は、学級とは名ばかり……担任を持たぬ元生徒たちの集まりです。
Aelfric: The Ashen Wolves are a house in name alone. They are eager students with no teacher to guide them…
If you could find it in your heart to take them under your wing, I would be most grateful.
Naturally, your official duties take precedence, so you need only help out when your schedule allows.
ユーリス: 待ってくれ、アルファルドさん。そりゃ無茶な話ってもんじゃありませんか。
Yuri: Wait a minute, Aelfric. Where’s this nonsense coming from?
コンスタンツェ: そうですわ。それに、私たちにはアルファルド様がいるではありませんか。
Constance: I second that question! We have no need of a professor when we have you.
アルファルド: 私は庇護者……守ることはできますが、教え導く教師ではありません。
Aelfric: Dear flock, I am a mere guardian. I can protect you, but I cannot enrich your minds.
Though I call this gathering an academy house, I have long lamented that it isn’t truly so.
Now, I am blessed with the opportunity to correct this. The professor who stands before you has garnered a great deal of acclaim on the surface.
A most trustworthy and esteemed teacher, to say the least. What’s more, I happen to be acquainted with the father of this fine individual.
Choice 1: どんな知り合い? How do you know my father?
Choice 2: いつ頃の知り合い? When did you meet my father?
アルファルド: ジェラルト殿が騎士団長だった頃ですよ。
Aelfric: I met Jeralt back when he was a knight.
アルファルド: 私はガルグ=マクで生まれ育ちましたから、あの方には、よく遊んでもらったものです。
Aelfric: I was born and raised in Garreg Mach, so I often had the opportunity to spend time with him.
Your mother, as well… She was a cherished friend of mine. I was even present for their wedding.
With parents like yours, I have no doubt that you possess the kindness and patience necessary to guide these students.
コンスタンツェ: むう……。ですけれど……
Constance: But…
ユーリス: そこまで言うならいいんじゃねえの。どうせ協力は頼んでたんだしよ。
Yuri: It’ll be fine. It’s not like we’re strangers anymore.
Say, Aelfric… Don’t you need to take care of those thieves?
アルファルド: おっと……そうでしたね。それでは、私は一度退散しましょう。
Aelfric: Ah, right you are. Please, excuse me.
Oh, and one more thing, Professor…
If ever you would like to hear more about your parents, I would be delighted to share my memories with you.